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Eccellenza aziendale
Stupite i vostri clienti e colleghi agli eventi aziendali con la birra NOAM. Le nostre birre premium incarnano l'artigianalità e la qualità, migliorando le esperienze di networking con un assaggio della tradizione bavarese. Le bottiglie NOAM si integrano con gli ambienti professionali, rendendo ogni momento straordinario.
Festeggiamenti con Birra NOAM
Trasformate il vostro matrimonio o la vostra occasione speciale con la birra NOAM. Le nostre birre bavaresi artigianali aggiungono un tocco di raffinatezza e sapore a ogni brindisi. Elevate l'atmosfera del vostro evento con lo squisito design delle bottiglie NOAM, creando ricordi duraturi per voi e per i vostri ospiti.

Momenti memorabili con NOAM
Riunitevi con amici e familiari davanti alla birra NOAM per vivere momenti indimenticabili. Che si tratti di un barbecue, di una festa di compleanno o di un incontro informale, le nostre birre lager portano un tocco di fascino bavarese in ogni occasione. Godetevi i sapori ricchi e la finitura liscia di NOAM, creata per migliorare le esperienze sociali e creare ricordi duraturi.
Your NOAM is priced slightly higher due to its genuine craftsmanship. Our small team values premium ingredients. Our hops come from the world-renowned Hallertau region, and we use the precious Smaragd hops. The bottle has been designed by the renowned ACNE Studio and stands out with its unique design. The naturally cloudy beer is an authentic natural product and is produced strictly according to the German Beer Purity Law in a state-of-the-art brewing facility. NOAM exclusively finds its place in the finest European gastronomic establishments. You won't find it in retail stores because our goal is to create exceptional moments together with you. Of course, you will receive an invoice with your order.
Your NOAM comes in a cool transparent bottle designed by ACNE Studios. Throughout the entire delivery journey, we ensure that the beer is protected from light. A quick ray of sunshine here and there is not a problem, but you shouldn't expose it to direct sunlight for extended periods. It's best to enjoy it promptly. This way, your NOAM stays in top form and ready to be savored by you. After enjoying, you can request a free return label from our shop and send the bottles back to us for reuse. To prevent bottle breakage, please use our two shipping boxes for this purpose.
Your NOAM order will be securely shipped by our reliable transportation partners. We've designed specially robust shipping boxes to protect the bottles from breakage. Additionally, we've added an extra layer of protection in the form of an outer carton. This ensures that your order arrives in the best condition possible. You can rely on us to take every effort to deliver your NOAM bottles safely and intact to you.
Local Pickup
If you don't want to wait any longer to get your hands on NOAM, we have a great option for you. In Munich, you can pick up your NOAM directly from us. Just visit us on Fürstenstraße after placing your order in the shop. You can take it with you on the same day.